Of these 3 lakh students , atleast 1 lakh students dedicate their entire time for preparation i,e they are unemployed atleast for a year(optimistic estimates)! The preparation spans like 2 years for the luckiest !!
Now since these aspirants are above average students with dedication as their strength they are easily capable of getting a job which pays them a minimum of 2 lakh /annum.
The loss to the GDP is 2 L* 1 L = 2000 crores , meager in terms of percentage isnt it.
Now the preparation itself involves a minimum expenditure of 1 lakh on tutorials (this calculation is a function of inflation! but again being optimistic).So that comes to around 1000 crores.
Y do they need a tutorial , aren't the people who shall lead the country tomorrow be able to do it themselves ? Ideally the question is rational but thanks to the ever breeding coaching institutions and the high scoring optionals in the exam, spoon-feeding has become a necessary evil.
This innate problems in the recruitment system means that there is no "means" for a person from a 'not so good' background to enter the Indian Civil Services.So it remains Ameer Indian Civil Services except for the few extraordinary individuals . They are more of an exception than a rule.
But my opinion should not be taken in the ideology of communism but in the line of rethinking on the pattern change and framework which doesn't necessitate this cumbersome process.
The ARC recommendations proposes for 'catch them young' strategy to absorb the candidates at the earlier stage of pre-graduation i,e making it inline with NDA recruitments. This is a welcome move.
As the enrollment rate to Higher education is only 12 percent in India , this helps to increase the participatory base . This incepts the feeling of INDIA,both social and political much early for the budding citizens. This involves poor who can ill afford higher education, and Women from patriarchal families etc. However a complete shut down of present recruitment system would be disastrous as many would be unaware of the exam till they complete their graduation. So a simultaneous recruitment would be advisable.
If anything can minimize the loss of 1000 crores to the gdp(tutorials expenditure) ,which i mentioned earlier , is the change in the pattern. The pattern should seek primarily the common sense, awareness of day to day affairs at national and international arena, decision making at controversial levels , efficient problem solving ,analytical thinking , logically correct and rational mindset.
The present chairman of UPSC D.P.Agarwal has brought in several phenomenal changes to question pattern but the changes which the ARC proposes has far reaching benefits to wide range sectors of Indian society!
Its high time Ameer Indian Civil Services gets the Ameer off.
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